Why i can't send mutiple images in one embed

Why this feature dont exist in discord.js? you can still use it with json but it will be better to use like .setImages([images array])
7 Replies
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youssef2y ago
You can send mutiple images in embed with json format not with EmbedBuilder class but why it's not a feauture in the class?
youssef2y ago
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youssef2y ago
youssef2y ago
they are in the embed btw eyes issues yes they are in the embed array my mate
youssef2y ago
youssef2y ago
Thonk do you can send 4 images in an embed with discord.js EmbedBuilder class? yes? wdym it's one embed with 4 images. ah yes but why i can't do this with discord.js? that's my question not how i send it etc oh i see but why in discord it look like 1 embed? well that a little dumb cause if i would like to send 4 embeds that have only image you mean i try pass the 4 image in the embed? yes well it should be if you want to send mutiple images you pass them in one embed and image be an array Yes, Thank you for your time. Have a good day!