remove 2s delay
how can I stop the 2s delay at count 3?
8 Replies
Stack Overflow
How to make a setInterval stop after some time or after a number of...
I've created a loop of "changing words" with jQuery
by using the code in this answer:
jQuery: Find word and change every few seconds
How do I stop it after some time? Say after either 60
Probably a better way to do this but this is working for me
i dont want to clear interval
after count 3, it pauses for 2 sec, I don't want that delay
Then please edit your post so it makes it more clear for people
I think you probably still need to clear and then reset the interval with the new delay you want
so vince's code is still valid, just needs an extra setInterval() in there after the clearInterval()
i am confused
like so?
timeout calls function again after 2000ms if not 3,