[SOLVED] I have less views than I have subscribers

Well as the Title mentions it. I have like 564 subs on my YouTube channel. Even after 5-6 months its growing at a snail's pace. The people who see the video do not subscribe. I have tried SEO at my best and design thumbnails as appropriate as possible. But now even my views have started to fall. Like it hardly even reaches 200 views now.
2 Replies
It's pretty common to have fewer views than subscribers, especially as a smaller channel, but even most large popular channels the subs-to-view ratios are low. So I wouldn't be too worried about that. As for getting new viewers to subscribe, that is the hard part and what we all want to achieve, but it's not an easy task. There are a few things you can do to encourage people to subscribe though, the main one would be CTAs (call to actions), basically asking people to remember to subscribe if they liked the video, little on-screen animation reminders, a pinned comment, a line in the video description etc.. SEO, titles, and thumbnails are great for getting people to click on your content but aren't really a determining factor in people clicking the subscribe button. That comes with time (and a lot of patience). Making quality content that is relevant to your niche and is what people in your nice want to watch. You can do some research on certain topics to see if people are actually searching for them by using the research tab in YouTube studio, or something like Google trends https://trends.google.com/trends/. You just search for keywords or short phrases (aka long tail keywords) that relate to topics you want to make videos about, and it will show you how "popular" those search terms are as well as how competitive (how many videos are currently being made)
Google Trends
Google Trends
Wizulous2y ago
Very common with tiny channels. I recommend interacting with your community more, as in responding to comments, posting on your channels community page, etc... I would also do what Raging advised - CTAs and keeping up with trends.