Migrate to the Stream GraphQL Analytics ...

Migrate to the Stream GraphQL Analytics API by Feb 1st, 2023 We're deprecating our old "per-video" Analytics API. If you still use this API, you will need to switch to using the GraphQL Analytics API by Feb 1, 2023. After this date, the per-video analytics API will be no longer available. Most developers already use our GraphQL Analytics API, which is faster, more reliable, and provides additional filters and metrics. To make this migration simple, we've provided some more details here, including an example GraphQL query that you can use to replace your use of the per-video analytics API. More here: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/migrate-to-the-stream-graphql-analytics-api-by-feb-1st-2023/433252 If you've made a request recently to the per-video analytics API, we'll also be reaching out via email to let you know about this change. Feel free to comment on this thread or forum post with any questions — want to make sure this is a smooth process.
Cloudflare Community
Migrate to the Stream GraphQL Analytics API by Feb 1st, 2023
What is changing? The “per-video” analytics API is being deprecated. If you still use this API, you will need to switch to using the GraphQL Analytics API by Feb 1, 2023. After this date, the per-video analytics API will be no longer available. Why is this API being deprecated? Cloudflare Stream’s GraphQL Analytics API provides the same funct...
1 Reply
Brendan Irvine-Broque
We've also updated the docs for our GraphQL Analytics API — take a look here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/stream/getting-analytics/fetching-bulk-analytics/ Would love your feedback!
GraphQL Analytics API · Cloudflare Stream docs
Store, encode, deliver, and play videos on your sites and applications.