rate limit prevention

Hello - I'm building a 'breakout rooms' bot that will simultaneously mass move 100+ users from one voice channel to a bunch of other voice channels, and I'm worried about running into Discord's rate limits. I also have the unfortunate problem of not being able to test this bot with the 100+ users until the day of the event I'm using it for. Anyways, I was reading at https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/rate-limits, where it says 'Because rate limits depend on a variety of factors and are subject to change, rate limits should not be hard coded into your app. Instead, your app should parse response headers to prevent hitting the limit, and to respond accordingly in case you do.' I was wondering how I can receive and parse said response headers in discord.js - the documentation doesn't appear to have any references to this that I could find. Thanks in advance!
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4 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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Tyranasaurus2y ago
Ah I see, thank you!!!
axiprime2y ago
Why they put us a rate limit if they are managing it.
Unknown User
Unknown User2y ago
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