Get most matched Classes

const intersection = yourArray.filter(item1 => yourOtherArray.some(item2 => item2 === item1))
Unknown User531d ago
Mana531d ago
You're doing == comparison on the entire array rather than its elements. Filtering array == arrayItem is never going to work right there.
Unknown User531d ago
Mana531d ago
const icons = assignIcons
.filter(ai => ai.classList.some(i => elemClassList.includes(i)))
.map(ai => ({icons: ai, count: elemClassList.filter(i1 => ai.classList.some(i2 => i2 == i1)).length}))
.sort((a,b) => sortByTheNewCountHere);
const icons = assignIcons
.filter(ai => ai.classList.some(i => elemClassList.includes(i)))
.map(ai => ({icons: ai, count: elemClassList.filter(i1 => ai.classList.some(i2 => i2 == i1)).length}))
.sort((a,b) => sortByTheNewCountHere);
Something like that. It should then have the most matching item as the first item in the array.
Unknown User530d ago
Mana530d ago
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Unknown User530d ago
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