League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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Theatre Inserts v12 compatibility

Type: module update Short description: Looking to get the Theatre Inserts module updated to v12 compatibility. Long Description. Original developer is no longer active and various commissions have been made over time to maintain compatibility with updated versions of FoundryVTT. As it stands right now, I can’t even attempt to try running Theatre Inserts in v12 (I think max compatible version was set to 11). Hoping to maintain all of the current functionality. ...

custom character sheet needed

question, im looking for someone to do some paid foundry work, i know next to nothing about how this works. my group has a GM with a server and a game module we run, I need a custom character sheet build for this module so we can use this new sheet in game....

CSS + icons for a system create with Custom System Builder (CSB) - Batman RPG

Type : CSS + icons creation, for a system made with CSB (Batman-RPG) - Possibles updates or quick explanations for DIY Short description : I would like a CSS that cover the system I made with Custom system Builder (CSB) and some icons to create. Inspired with official PDF (in French) if you pleased. Long description : With CSB I created my own system for "Batman Gotham City Chronicles", also called "Batman RPG", which was a first for me....
No description

Bug fixing Team Initiative system

Type: System update Short Description: Fix problems with the team initiative system. The system used to work but either broke due to updates (last stable v11) or due to previously undiscovered bugs. Long Descriptions : The repo : https://github.com/LDMonay/oh-foundry/ The team initiative system works in the following manner (see https://github.com/LDMonay/oh-foundry/pull/13 , https://github.com/LDMonay/oh-foundry/pull/19) :...

Need Way to Change core die to 2d12 in foundry 5e

I am creating a homebrew system based on the "Fable" series of video games that takes elements from 5e, pf2e, and hero system with 2d12 planned to be the core die. Currently the Dungeons and Dragons 5e system on foundry along with the "System customizer" module allows us to do everything we need to do except change the core die. If someone could assist me with this issue or create something that will change the core die, I'm willing to pay a minimum of $50 even if it's a 5 minute fix. I'd also b...

Bailey Concept Art

Meet Bailey,🌟 In the heart of the enchanted forest, where ancient trees whispered secrets of old, emerged a mysterious figure from the shimmering waters of a hidden grotto. Her silver hair cascaded like moonlight over her shoulders, and her gown, adorned with golden accents, clung to her form as if woven from the very essence of the forest. With each step, the ground beneath her feet seemed to glow, and the air around her hummed with a magical energy. She was the guardian of the forest, a being of ethereal beauty and power, destined to protect the sacred land from any who dared to harm it.❤️...
No description

FTL: Nomad Foundry Support

I'm Omer Golan-Joel of Stellagama Publishing and I am looking for price quotes for building basic VTT support in Foundry VTT for my latest game, Faster Than Light: Nomad. It is an independent XD6-based sci-fi RPG, with some influence from older 2d6 systems, but relatively simple mechanics. I'm looking for basic functionality without too many extras, extensive automation, or large databases. PM me with a price quote if interested.

Border Width Mod

Budget: 50$ --- I am looking for a mod to take over my use of the Border Control mod by Kandashi since he no longer maintains Border Control, and that mod breaks with every version update. I only use one feature of this heavily feature-rich mod, making the Border thicker to improve its visibility at many zoom levels, especially on small screens (laptops, etc.) and I think it makes sense to just make this into a separate mod that caters to a focused accessibility use rather than keep Border Control alive with a commissioned fix. ...

Sheet for custom system builder

I am developing a system and i need a foundry module or a custom system builder sheet made for it. I am good discussing price and i am willing to pay for additional features and graphics as well.

Dice pool tab

Short: I run a super modified version of DnD5e and need a customizable dice table for my players. Long : Im looking for a customizable dice table for my players to use to simplify the dice pool system we use. I need to have multiple draw down tabs that allow different dice to be chosen, how many dice need to be rolled and a modifier of + or - 1-5 to each die rolled. I also need a space for custom naming of each dice pool in the table....
No description

Big Eyes Small Mouth 4th Edition

Looking for a full implementation of the base BESM 4th Ed. Rules and the extras ruleset. Long Description: full implementation of the BESM 4th edition rules and character sheets as well as the Extras rules. I am willing to pay up to $15k for this. I am willing to discuss a staggered release for options and parts of the system....

Fight 2e system commission

Looking for a commission of the Fight 2E system Long Description: I would like to have a full implementation of the Fight 2e system. I will provide system books and am willing to pay up to 10k for the total system. I am willing to discuss staggered release of the system....

Create module implementing spells per class (DND5E) in foundry.

Create sortable lists either in DND SRD compendium or separate where spells are shown by class. For example, Cleric, Bard, or Wizard. Limit character sheet from only being able to take spells from the proper "class." This will allow a player to go to a single folder and find their spells and simply drag them, they will not need to jump around multiple places. They also will not have the ability to use spells they should not.
Ideally the draggable spells will be special token or icon packs being used....

SWSE Character Sheet

Type: Module Short Description: Create an editable character sheet for Star Wars Saga Edition. Long Description: A foundry system exists here (https://github.com/kypvalanx/Foundry-VTT-StarWars-SagaEdition) (CC BY-SA license) which, while I enjoy the content, I am not a huge fan of the sheet. I've also made a custom sheet that we are using offline, here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XA4Dbdi-2epCFWCGPXPH62tmOdajxK8CnRC5B9_vBTM/edit?usp=sharing. It has some custom house rules in it so its not base- but it has a lot of what we are looking for automations wise. You can make a copy of it if you'd like! We are in Foundry V11, so it would need to work for that, and hopefully be able to be used in V12 as well when Forge decides its ready. Budget: Open to discussion. ...

Real-time Token Movement

Type: Module Short Description: See real-time movement of tokens. Long Description: A way to see in real-time how players/and GM are dragging their tokens, but only while holding shift, otherwise the uses the vanilla foundry token movement. I've attached a video to show the expected outcome. Budget: Not sure yet, this might be incredibly more complex than I think it is, but preferably below $50, but willing to go higher as long as it's fair and within reason. ...

Downtime Dnd5e add compatibility for Dnd5e Sheet 3.X.X (30$ or more) (CLOSED)

Type: downtime-dnd5e Short Description: Downtime Dnd5e add compatibility with Dnd5e Sheet 3.X.X Long Description: Due to personal problems I no longer have much time to devote to my passion in particular has this small module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-downtime-dnd5e/tree/main that I have been running for quite some time. ...

Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X (50$ or more)

Type: variant-encumbrance-dnd5e Short Description: Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and new Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X Long Description: Due to personal problems I no longer have much time to devote to my passion in particular has this small module https://github.com/p4535992/foundryvtt-variant-encumbrance-dnd5e that I have been running for quite some time, while the encumbrance calculation goes exactly as I would like at the code level I cannot fix the html of the html display bar . The goal is to find a way to customize the display of the encumbrance bar at the pure html level as I had done for the “Legacy Sheet”....

SimpleMobile template placement (completed)

Type: Module Short Description: Looking for help getting template placement to work on my custom version of simplemobile. Long Description: I've been working on a modified version of simplemobile by Handyfon that uses Argon Combat HUD by theripper93 and a few other modules. After many hours of work I believe I have it almost completed and ready for use and testing. This would make foundry on mobile devices actually work!...

Co-operation focussed system

Type: System Short Description: An RPG when, during a dice check, one player gathers rolls their dice, plus others lent to them by the other players. I checked system & module because it might be this doesn't require a full system and can be done as a module. Long Description: Someone's already done me a javascript dice roller for this project (https://github.com/illicitonion/mike-roller/blob/main/index.js) I just have no idea how to get it into Foundry VTT. I'd need that dice roller added, plus the character sheets. Players don't need to roll the dice from the character sheets. The sheets are currently just form-fillable PDFs. They don't need to be anything more than this - the only really important thing is they currently have checkboxes which players use for the levelling up system. So the character sheets would need to have checkboxes or something similar. The dice roller simulates players sitting around a table lending each other dice. Dice belonging to the player performing the skill check have X effect, whilst dice belonging to other players have Y effect, which is why we can't just roll a bunch of the same type of dice....