Check if optional argument in commnd was provided

Hey, I have a command called /stats It will provide the stats for the user who entered the command, the command also has a optional argument (user mention) with which the user can get the stats of another user. How can I check if the argument is provided because now I just get an error when only the /stats command is entered
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MrMythical2y ago
is null if not entered
Schlaumeyer2y ago
hmm, I don't get it to work:
if (interaction.options.getUser('user').id == null) { //code }
if (interaction.options.getUser('user').id == null) { //code }
get me
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
I have to remove the .id yeah... makes sense, sry Thanks anyways 🙂
MrMythical2y ago