Iteration isn't just for code here are ...

📣 ICYMI — We shipped a big Cloudflare-wide update to our API docs today. It's a huge improvement — you can read more about it here: It uses the OpenAPI standard, so you can even import the schema directly into tools like Postman to easily test out API requests without copying and pasting from the docs. Here's an example from the Stream API We'd love your feedback!
The Cloudflare Blog
Iteration isn't just for code: here are our latest API docs
We’re excited to share that the next iteration of Cloudflare’s API reference documentation is now available. The new docs standardize our API content and improve the overall developer experience for interacting with Cloudflare’s API.
The Cloudflare Blog
The Cloudflare API now uses OpenAPI schemas
Cloudflare now has OpenAPI Schemas available for the API. Users can use these schemas in any open source OpenAPI Tooling.
Cloudflare API Documentation
Interact with Cloudflare's products and services via the Cloudflare API
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Brendan Irvine-Broque
Thanks @stefanmaric — your API client with type definitions is cool! Chatting with a few folks internally about how we can provide better ways of getting feedback and contributions. Will follow up here.