Novuβ€’2y ago

How many concurrent requests can be handled in different types of notification?

For example like email and SMS?
9 Replies
DavidSouthmountainβ€’2y ago
@madhu could you provide a bit more of information about your question?
madhuβ€’2y ago
For example in terms of performance testing, How much concurrent requests , Did I can make at a time , like to test the stability of Novu server (Example I am hosting in my machine using docker)
DavidSouthmountainβ€’2y ago
I do not have any numbers for what we are handling right now but maybe @dimagrossman have πŸ™‚
madhuβ€’2y ago
Like in the same time I making 1000s of request to create trigger like sending email from the 100s of different end point Sure David, thanks I will wait for @dimagrossman to reply it
Dima Grossman
Dima Grossmanβ€’2y ago
I think you sent also an Intercom message so answered there. We don't yet have any limits on the trigger endpoint, internally we queue notification and schedule jobs over redis so they will be processed depending on the need. For the cloud offering we also scale the instance depending on the load on the API. Do you have some rough numbers of expected concurrent requests for the trigger API ?
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Novu_Botβ€’2y ago
@Udlei Nati, you just advanced to level 2!
empeβ€’2y ago
Is this post can be closed?
madhuβ€’2y ago
Thanks @dimagrossman and @Udlei Nati for the information @emilpearce Please close it