Railwayβ€’2y ago

Questions about automatic deployment with a new PR.

Hi, I'm waiting for my PR to be deployed automatically on Railway. The PRs were deployed on the first project, but not for the following ones. I'm see the PRs with the appearance of the <project-pr-number> in the dropdown. Her my project ID: 32e7c04c-c58a-41a6-9e8c-320a473294f7 1. I belong to my boss's team and my profile is connected to Github (and Discord) 2. To date, three projects appear on the dahboard with the same concern PR -> automatic deployment. What action to do to obtain the automatic deployment of the PRs? I tried from a new personal, non-team account and logged into Github. Why am I not getting my PR automatically deployed? Thank you.
5 Replies
Percyβ€’2y ago
Project ID: 32e7c04c-c58a-41a6-9e8c-320a473294f7
Yannickβ€’2y ago
project ID: 32e7c04c-c58a-41a6-9e8c-320a473294f7
Percyβ€’2y ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
angeloβ€’2y ago
Will look into this when I have the time. I wanna get you and your boss resolution πŸ™‚
Yannickβ€’2y ago
I finally got the deployment with a second PR. It must surely be a bug. Also there was a bug when the merge of my pr was done on production (manual branch selection) when there was no main branch deployed, it did not redeploy and it moved to main due to pr branch removal. Thank you. Solved for me. πŸ‘