Is copypaste disabled in the experimental multi-mirrors build?

Hey is there no copy paste function in openbrush? I selected a bunch of brushes and can’t move it, make it bigger or copy and paste it. Please help this can’t be true
34 Replies
andybak2y ago
We haven't "disabled" anything! Whether copy/paste is implemented rather depends on what you mean. By "selected a bunch of brushes" do you mean "brush strokes"? i.e. stuff you've drawn?
andybak2y ago
What isn't working or is missing for you? @doublerealityDan Can I assume this is resolved?
Hello thank you for your response. When I select a section or the sketch to copy paste, it allows me to highlight it, but I can’t copy paste it by pressing button “a” I can however copy paste it in regular open brush that doesn’t have the multiple mirror function. Is it because of certain brushes?
andybak2y ago
Which version are you using? How did you download it?
I’m using the multi mirror version one It shows up in my unspecified sources I downloaded through sidequest
andybak2y ago
OK. That would have been very useful to know from the start! So - I'm in the middle of some big changes to that feature. Be aware that any feature branches are very experimental and things get are often broken and incomplete. Having said that - if I know someone is actively using it, I tend to be a bit more careful - so I'll see if I can fix that tomorrow. I've edited this forum post title to be clearer so people using regular builds don't get confused!
Zandy2y ago
@andybak wonder if it’s linked to what I was experiencing with rebrush using the mirror? I couldn’t copy paste after a point as well. Maybe a related bug?
andybak2y ago
Possibly - but it's much more likely down to the multimirrors build. In any case @doublerealityDan can report back if it happens on a regular or beta release.
Okay please let me know when you’ll have a chance to take a look at it and I will test it again. Does copy paste for you? . Have you experienced the same issue?
andybak2y ago
Sorry - I haven't had a chance to look yet. Have you considered switching to the regular beta release? I'd be interested to know how you're using the multimirror feature as it might inform my ongoing thinking about this.
Everything works fine on the regular beta. The multi mirror is absolutely revolutionary you should see what I created its incredible what you can do with this Mandalas have always been a huge for me and now I can create them in seconds.
andybak2y ago
I'd love to see some of your output. Right - I'll try and get the copy/paste fixed by monday!
Thaaank you. This was very meaningful because this was created for @AquaverseArt oceanic life awareness exhibition at #BitBasel Miami
andybak2y ago
Ha! My initial demo videos were of an underwater scene.
That’s true synergy
andybak2y ago
Make sure and give us a plug in any PR stuff that goes out 😉
andybak2y ago
Honestly though - it's really motivating to know this stuff is useful. I had no idea anyone was excited about it. Sometimes I drift off to do another idea but knowing there's some interest is enough to make me focus on specific things. You probably overestimate how much feedback we get from users. It's less than you think
Bro what you created is revolutionary I don’t see how everyone is not using this. The information inside his head was a giant shift in perspective to a lot of people who saw it and of course the mandala patterns made it exciting What should I say in the credits? This octopus will be going. To World Trade Center in New York in April for the aquaverse installation and 5000 people will see it if not more.
andybak2y ago
Mention Open Brush - If it's online then link to our web site. If there's a way to have our logo that would be even better.
Okay I’ll see what I can do
andybak2y ago
@doublerealityDan Is this working for you now?
I will check today Thank you for looking into this Still doesn’t work Does it work for you?
andybak2y ago
With a few glitches, yes. I'll check the build uploaded correctly I just made a new build and it's working for me (aside from a couple of known bugs duplicating strokes with reflection symmetry) Now we've merged regular and experimental builds - I'll need to update the links. For now use this: But that won't point to new versions so go back to using this when I've fixed the links:
Okay thanks !!
andybak2y ago
Is copy/paste working for you now?
Its not Does it work for you
andybak2y ago
Yep. What happens for you? Are you using the version I linked to above?
So I’m able to highlight it but not move it or copy paste it
andybak2y ago
If you use the regular beta version do you have the same issue? We've had a few reports on this that aren't related to multimirror but we haven't managed to reproduce it
No regular works Just the multi mirror gives me this issue
andybak16mo ago
I specifically mean "regular beta version" - not the (non-beta) main release. Sorry to be pedantic but I need to be sure we're talking about the same thing. Marking "solved" as I haven't heard back and nobody else has reported this. Feel free to let me know if it's still an issue.