TikTok views gone

Hi there, I have currently 7700 followers and I was getting 1000more followers and almost a million view daily for 2 consecutive days (the views were both on old and recent videos) but it’s been 48h that I am getting nothing.. new video barely reached 2k ( most views aren’t from my followers) and overall I got 12 followers in 48h instead of that usual 1000 daily. Any idea why?
12 Replies
MCZ2y ago
for some reason the hype on a videos will eventually die down. it can go back again after few days or it may not. the next posts doesn’t guarantee the same engagement as the previous.
dreamer2y ago
Thank you for your reply. How come all my videos hype died at the same time ?
MCZ2y ago
, must be the algo 🤷
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
The viewers interest have changed or the engagement tells the algorithm that it's not worth to push it more
dreamer2y ago
Could it be that a new video was so shitty they decided to cancel the older ones lol? I still get a bit but like very little it’s depressing I was so close to reach 10k Sorry to bother you guys with my questions I really appreciate the help btw
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
No No one knows exactly they might pick up on views again Just keep on posting
dreamer2y ago
Thanks for your help sensei
RcR_Kv12y ago
@dreamer I had the same problem recently, I had more than 500 views per video then it fell to 0 for the news, I had to wait 1 month before having views again on a video (only 78 but it's better than nothing)
dreamer2y ago
Sounds like shadow ban that must have been tough man @racer_kv1
RcR_Kv12y ago
@dreamer Yes😭
Goldern Black Tiger
keep doing your previous stuff build an audience
dreamer2y ago
It’s fixed I just made a 500k views in just a day thx