Top of print has holes

What's going on here? Why does every time I print a dome, the top looks like this? Happens at the same layer every time despite changing a variety of settings.
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14 Replies
how many walls are you using?
joj2y ago
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no, how many perimeters?
joj2y ago
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yeah, you need to increase the number of perimeters
joj2y ago
Okay, but here are my settings for prusaslicer that prints no problem on my ender 3
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joj2y ago
And here's the default settings I also used and got the same problem in superslicer:
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sensitive-blue2y ago
this is the setting you want to try 😉 also you could make a height range modifier and sett the Layer Height down for the top part to get nicer and rounder Tops
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joj2y ago
oh shit how did I miss that okay I will try again
joj2y ago
It doesn't seem to change the gcode though. This is the layer it fails at every time. I don't see any extra perimeters since this doesn't count as an overhang I think.
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sensitive-blue2y ago
You Infill percentage is way to low at that point, there is nothing where the solid Infill can sit on, try to turn on supporting dense layer so that you get Bridges below that solid Infill
joj2y ago
My prusaslicer project gcode works though. Although it uses "internal bridge infill" before that pink solid infill
joj2y ago
Even with dense infill, the perimeter has holes in it at the same layer. I cracked the top of the dome off so you could see inside.
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joj2y ago
I found the solution. Changed this from 2->3. I can now print domes with 0 supports.
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