8 Replies
Those are good too I just suggested nunjucks because it does have good documentation and support being in the Mozilla family
b1mind2y ago
Yea I think its good for folks to know HTML template languages are a thing though, and know whats available. Pug/NunJucks do actual templating with block/extends really well imo
Does it really speed up development or is it good for loading up stuff fast like say a blog following a template?
b1mind2y ago
not sure what you mean loading stuff up Its great because you don't have to have the same html repeating on each page. Say your Header/Footer areas changing html on every page is 😐 (even back in teh 2K days I used to use Dreamweaver Templates, or PHP just for templating) Most all of todays frameworks/tools follow in html templating too (JSX, Svelte, Vue, ect). Then you have Express that lets you use any of them to SSR or 11ty that lets you bring your own for SSG.
Man so much stuff to learn My blog for big projects will follow a template for the articles
Gashy2y ago
b1 is a pug connoisseur! 😎
That's true
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