Transfer experiences from CPA to CPP?

I've been thinking about transferring for a while now from CPA (3-year) to CPP (2-year) and I'm wondering if anyone here has done that and has anything to say about it? I know the 3 year gives a regular Ontario College diploma and it also doesn't have many professional course options, but other than that is there anything to know when transferring?
23 Replies
muscle aggregator 82
The CPA program is kind of stupid IMO. There's 2 important differences: 1. CPA has 2 extra semesters for a capstone project - I think your time is much better spent working on some side projects independently because you have more freedom that way, and will end up with better resume projects that way. Otherwise, the courses are practically identical. 2. CPA has "Co-op", which is a joke. It's basically a job board, which contains the same job postings from Indeed and LinkedIn. It also costs money (500 bucks if I recall). If you want Co-ops just apply for them on LinkedIn. Yes, some companies will require you to be in the Co-op program, but this is a minority. For example, I worked as a summer student at RBC (same thing as a Co-op, a temporary job contract) and they didn't require me to be in the Co-op program. Don't sweat the "Advanced Diploma" (CPA) vs "Regular Diploma" (CPP), that shit doesn't matter. Your resume and side projects are what get you jobs (at least that's what did it for me). Most places will not even recognize the difference between the two.
split2y ago
is the capstone project something you can come up with? or is something you have to choose out of a list what kind of projects do people do?
muscle aggregator 82
There is a bit of freedom, but there are also certain requirements which will limit your choices. You come up with an idea, but it must fit their template for grading
split2y ago
hmm so no game dev projects?
muscle aggregator 82
Depends on what you’re interested in. I recommend a variety, 1 systems level project (compiler, useful CL tool, game engine, etc.), 1 frontend web project, 1 backend web project
split2y ago
I am done with web, I will probably do something low level if I can find proper team members
muscle aggregator 82
Maybe you could convince your prof to let you do that, but no guarantees. It’s usually a business oriented app that they’re looking for Same story as me. If you want an interesting project, create a usable programming language, and write the compiler/interpreter in something like C++ It can be a solo project, you don’t need to work with others for everything
split2y ago
ohhh awesome
muscle aggregator 82
Then once it works, rewrite the langauge in itself
split2y ago
do you mind if I ask you what kind of project you worked on?
muscle aggregator 82 All my projects are there
split2y ago
damn thats an insane list of projects
muscle aggregator 82
Most of them are small I’ve only got a few that I put on my resume 3 solid interesting projects is all you really need
Thanks for the info, yeah I’ve decided it’s a much better use of my time to work and do side stuff than that last year at CPA. It’s not going to make a huge difference. What sucks though is I still have to take a gen ed course and BCI433 to graduate CPP There is no escaping BCI
muscle aggregator 82
Take part time studies for BCI It was so easy Full time one is cursed Ur not gonna learn anything useful so you may as well take the easy way out
What prof did you have?
muscle aggregator 82
Marly Campbell
Ah I’ve never heard of her. Also what do you mean by part time studies? Do you just mean being a part time student or is part time studies a different thing? I’ve never seen her as an option for BCI
muscle aggregator 82
Part time studies is a separate offering from Seneca meant for people who are working and trying to complete a degree, so the classes are usually fully online and in the evenings. You can take a part time studies class and count it as a credit towards your full time diploma (at least I was allowed to, ask your advisor to be safe)
muscle aggregator 82
Part times studies has a separate portal:
Seneca College Part-time Studies - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - IBM B...
This course introduces business information technology on the IBM midrange family of computers running the IBM i operating system. Students will utilize an object-based architecture using IBM i tools to create business applications. These applications will be developed using the DB2 relational database, Control Language commands and programming,...
muscle aggregator 82
Although if you already signed up for BCI433 full time and then dropped it you will get an error saying you are already enrolled, so you have to call them to register
Thank you, this is so helpful. I’ve gotten more information from our convo than I have from Senecas administration in the last 3 years. I’ll most likely do the part time BCI and one gen ed course and finally be out of Seneca lol
muscle aggregator 82
Np, make sure you get an explicit statement from your student advisor (probably Kristin for you) giving permission to take it part time. Kristin loves to never respond, so you can contact Robert Robson for assistance, he’s a great guy
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