Why does RatRig remove hotend power while doing Z-tilt alignment?

I have noticed during the pre-print stage that when the printer starts doing the Z-tilt axis leveling, it shuts off the hotend, and then I have to wait for it to heat back up. The very first thing in the pre-print seems to be hotend and bed temp acquisition, so why let it cool down while doing Z-tilt? Seems like an unnecessary waste of time. Maybe its just more noticeable on my 500 because of the travel distance, but still annoying.
8 Replies
That sounds wrong, it doesn't do that on mine. Upload your printer.cfg
conscious-sapphire2y ago
Certainly. Thanks for looking.
conscious-sapphire2y ago
Now in regular flavor
conscious-sapphire2y ago
Hmm.. looking at my graph, I think you are correct. For some reason the pre-heat is only 150 deg while the print temp is 250, so I am waiting on that.
conscious-sapphire2y ago
No description
conscious-sapphire2y ago
I think I mistook the PWM line for the temp line 🤦‍♂️
That is normal. It pre-heats to 150 so filament is soft while probing
conscious-sapphire2y ago
Ok, just me being dumb then. per usual