Dev Environment with Sharding

Hey, I'm about to start working on getting my bot ready for sharding, but I'm not sure how to go about creating the environment on my development bot. Any tips?
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Sukadia2y ago
traditional sharding
d.js docs
d.js docs2y ago
guide Sharding: How does sharding work? read more
Sukadia2y ago
i meant moreso how do i test changes on a development bot that's only in a few servers and force sharding for it? i'll follow the guide and docs while making the transition over but i just need to make sure 2+ shards can communicate to each other correctly since quite a few things need to be refactored i'm trying to pass totalShards as a ShardManagerOption but it only ever boots up 1
d.js docs
d.js docs2y ago
method ShardingManager#spawn() Spawns multiple shards.
Sukadia2y ago