x and y endstops are always triggered even when not pluged in

I have a octopus 1v1 board and my endstops are always triggered i even bought new endstops but have the same result. I problebly have fried the data pins. Is there a solutions for this problem? Like using a other port?
4 Replies
Yes, the octopus has many different ports you can use. You have to look at https://github.com/bigtreetech/BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/blob/master/Hardware/BIGTREETECH%20Octopus%20-%20PIN.pdf to find the pin name of the port you want to use and update your printer.cfg appropriately
BIGTREETECH-OCTOPUS-V1.0/BIGTREETECH Octopus - PIN.pdf at master · ...
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rare-sapphire2y ago
So I ordered new endstops last week because the ones I had where sticky and would take some time the open again (could not find an similar situation to fix the problem) . Between the time of ordering and delivery there has been a few update that magically fixed the problem of the sticky endstops with my original endstops. I can't get my head around what the problem was before. Did I do something wrong or was this always going to happen? Not many other people experienced this problem. It really confuses me
Mitsuma2y ago
this sounds like you did not check your wiring before plugging them in do you have pictures of your endstop wiring?
rare-sapphire2y ago
I definitely checked the wires last week also recrimped both ands, tried switching the endstops around because one seemed to be more sticky than the other, rebooting multiple times (sometimes the first few clicks would work properly but at the end would always hang on triggered). Even tried flashing the system with fresh software twice. Between then and now the only things that has changed are the updates and that I tried different endstops that didn’t work (where different than the original ones) and would give me a error about communication with the mcu. This is when I posted this question. After I posted the question I tried the original endstops, because at that point I would rather see triggered endstops than an communication error with the mcu, and to my surprise the endstops worked like nothing happened before. After rebooting they stil works. Can’t be the wiring because that’s still the same. That why i think that it must have something to do with the update of last week. At last it doesn’t really matter but it caused a bit of a headache.
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