Keep my current channel or start all over again?

So, I already have a YouTube channel but I stopped uploading for 2 months (or more) now. The reason is because the channel wasn't getting any new views or subs, ect.. Even though I tried to upload every Monday. Another reason is that I didn't know what to upload, I kinda ran out of ideas and I had no more motivation. The channel is also filled with dead subs (they don't watch anymore). I don't think I'd lose a lot if I start all over again, I mean, I only have around 130 subs on my old channel and not many views I guess. I don't know. So while I didn't upload for 2 months, I made a new channel, everything is set up already but I don't know if I should keep uploading on my old channel or my new one. I also made a list of video ideas, ect... So I'm kind of motivated again. I've been thinking about this and I thought, I could just keep uploading on my old channel for a while, if it still doesn't do well, I could switch to my new channel, perhaps re-upload videos from my old channel. But I'm not sure what the best option is. I'm open for any ideas, advice, or just anything. Have a great day and merry Christmas!
8 Replies
probablyraging•2y ago
From a performance point of view, taking a 2 month break and then starting to upload to your old channel again won't really have any negative side effects, if that is what you're concerned about. You will likely have quite a few dead subs, but let's say only 15% of your 130 subs aren't dead subs, that's still 20-odd active subs to will help push your new videos into the algorithm. And there is a chance that non-subs who have watched your content before might be suggested your new content. In the grand scheme of things, that isn't terrible. However, if your new content is going to be vastly different from your old content, I would probably scrap the old channel and make a new one. And also Merry Christmas, have a good one 🙂
sleepy•2y ago
well the channel has a history its years old and the content changed through it but it was always gaming videos so i'm just not sure lol, ill start uploading again and wish for the best XD
probablyraging•2y ago
I'd say if it's always been in the gaming niche then you'll be fine. More referring to the algorithm and what it expects your content to be, more than your old audience expecting your old form of videos/games. But yeah, you could always just upload the videos to both channels for a month or 2 and see which performs better in the long. Not sure if that's against ToS though?
sleepy•2y ago
will youtube notice if i upload the same videos on 2 channels? also, does it matter if i put my video on private/unlisted first and then on public after a couple of days (weeks perhaps)
probablyraging•2y ago
They might, though I don't think you'll have any major issues as it's your own content, but they might have rules against it for "spam"? Might need to look into that first. Nah, it doesn't matter if you leave the video on unlisted/private for any period of time If I upload a video as unlisted and later flip it public, will that hurt my video performance?
No, what matters is how viewers respond after it’s been published.
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sleepy•2y ago
okay thanks for the help Merry Christmas and have a great day!!
probablyraging•2y ago
Also, found this, not official but might be wary,What%20happens%20if%20you%20have%20the%20same%20video%20on%20two,even%20get%20your%20channel%20removed. What happens if you have the same video on two YouTube channels?
If you manage to upload the same video on two YouTube channels, the second video will be flagged as duplicate content and you might even get your channel removed.
sleepy•2y ago
oh alright interesting