I just wanted to get a head start in IPC144. So what IDE do you use for programming in C language?

Im starting CPA in winter 2023 any advice would be great
18 Replies
jrdnxr2y ago
Best IDE to use, whether your on Windows or Mac, is Visual Studio Code
thats so false the debugger is absolutely awful they're all bad VS Code is alright
jrdnxr2y ago
However, everyone has their preference. I like Eclipse for programming in Java. And there are a few other ones that could rival VSC
use whatever you want it doesn't matter
charcole2y ago
vs2022 is better for c than vscode better debugging
jrdnxr2y ago
As I said, everyone has their preference
CaramelCorn2y ago
eclipse is soooo bad fuck I hate eclipse
Shiki2y ago
eclipse wasn’t that bad although setting up javafx on it was a fucking pain for ws5 so i decided to do it with swing instead
CaramelCorn2y ago
yeah that's kind of the thing with eclipse, it's fine with small projects but Uhh.. any kind of complicated dependencies and it gets to be difficult intelliJ automates a lot of the maven / gradle stuff in a nice way
Shiki2y ago
yeah, i would of used it but i just didn’t have the energy to do it back then
split2y ago
CLion. You will never look back
CaramelCorn2y ago
ah yeah great ide as well
Σ2y ago
The one used in the course is Visual Studio (NOT Visual Studio Code, they're different) so if you want to be able to receive troubleshooting from your professor, use Visual Studio Any other IDE, you'll usually be on your own if there are problems
haroonbajwa2y ago
ok thanks
robin_fish2y ago
VS is great for C . I’ve also heard CLion is OK too but I never used it myself.
haroonbajwa2y ago
I just found out I cant write C language on visual studio for mac thats why everyone is using visual studio code
CaramelCorn2y ago
yeah, most people in the program use windows bc the program is designed around Windows
haroonbajwa2y ago
oh ok ty