Stepper buzz 5160โ€˜s

Hi, I have the problem with Stepper buzz. I tried everything I read about. Flip the wires on one side, changed the stepper driver, lower the run current and bought new motor cables. Nothing work. Btw i use 5160โ€™s and ldo 42STH48-2504AC. Sorry for my bad English tho ๐Ÿ˜…
4 Replies
blacksmithforlifeโ€ข2y ago
Can you post a video? 5160's are naturally going to be louder
eastern-cyanโ€ข2y ago
Unfortunately not. Because I disassembled the printer to check all the mechanical parts. Thatโ€™s so loud and the steppers run hot. I know 5160 are a bit louder but not that loud. My Vz isnโ€™t nearly than loud and it runs with same drivers.
eastern-cyanโ€ข2y ago
I tried stealthshop too. But it was horrible.
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eastern-cyanโ€ข2y ago
This are the actual settings Problem solved. One of the Motors was damaged. Can be closed ๐Ÿ˜„