How to go about re-starting content creation? (new account, building on current, algorithm priority)

Hi! If I want to start taking content creation more seriously/consistently, do you recommend starting a new account (& does the Tiktok algorithm still prioritize pushing out new account content?), or do you recommend using my already existing account (used to very inconsistently post content from a different niche than I intend to now & have some followers on this account, but not super active)?
2 Replies
Instant2y ago
I'd say it doesn't matter too much but if you want to start fresh or you're changing niches then a new account might be better
Deleted User
Deleted User2y ago
Use your current account, The youtube algorithm is very advanced and will catch on. But another piece of advice, screw the algorithm. There is no secrets to it, if your video is entertaining you will have good viewer retention and grow. youtube doesnt want your videos to fail, if the first people the video is pushed out to like it, it will be pushed to more, and they will like it. Be harsh on yourself, dont blame the algorithm, if a video fails its your fault