h2 aligning to left even if I give align-center. Tailwind

4 Replies
b1mind2y ago
because of your max width So you stopped stretching the flex child full width so text align is not going to work as its now its shrunk so you need to justify it with flex
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡2y ago
yeah got it thanks
b1mind2y ago
Also please don't use headings like this H1 for page heading and h2 for next section/article heading level make sure you are going down in heading level as the nested region is needed so H1, article> h2 > section > h3 i.e semantics are important so in your case here H2 would be better a <p> cause that is what it is anyway a paragraph or tagline
Abdul Ahad⚡
Abdul Ahad⚡2y ago
yeah, need to learn semantics and hierarchy. yeah <p> would be the best choice
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