Bed not heating

Hello all, best wishes! Setting up my V-Core 3.1 400 here with an Octopus 1.1, all going fine so far except for one thing. The bed is not heating up when I try to do so in RatOS. Wiring seems fine, SSR LED lights up red when I ask it to heat, but the actual bed is not getting hotter. Am I missing something? Pretty much stock printer config with RatOS 2 Alpha 4.
11 Replies
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
Use a multimeter to confirm you are getting the proper voltage out from octopus and SSR. Check if you have continuity on your bed heater pad. Check to make sure you got a bed heater that matches your countries voltage
rival-black•2y ago
Getting 24V at the SSR, and as soon as I ask it to heat up I'm getting continuity Testing the wires from SSR to the bed heater pad also shows continuity I went with the Keenovo 380x380mm 220V 1000W Silicone Heater Bed, living in the Netherlands so that should be good too (Also shows up on the bottom of the heating pad, 220V 1000W)
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
Did you test to see if you are getting 220v out from the SSR?
rival-black•2y ago
Seems I'm getting continuity but no power Measuring 0v
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
Post a picture of how you have it wired up
rival-black•2y ago
Pretty much how the build page tells me to
No description
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
But that page doesn't give you the other end of the SSR. So please post a picture of how you actually wired the SSR
rival-black•2y ago
Was my bad... Fixed the wiring and it's all good now 🙂 cheers for the help!
metropolitan-bronze•2y ago
I have the same problem, however I am fairly sure my wiring is good. I get no LED light on the relay and there is no voltage coming out of "bed-out" terminal on the mobo.
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
please start a new post
metropolitan-bronze•2y ago