
I've posted a lot of good content on twitter an yet no followers how come?
7 Replies
I don't think Twitter is really one of those platforms where you "grow" on, that's not the purpose of it. Most people with a large following amassed their fans from other platforms, like YouTube, Twitch, IG. Or were already public personalities to begin with. The only real way I can see you growing a following on there is to just post about trending tops, and post on other popular threads
RcR_Kv12y ago
@ash4life. Personnally twitter is the place where I grow up in followers much faster than Youtube and Instagram😂 (nearly 50 subs in 7 months vs 51 subs in 14 months) by posting virtual photography and after putting some htags, 1 to 2 times a week, followed back everyone who followed me so i was sure when i tags them my post got many likes and maybe comments/retweets, but also answering to some posts i'm interested to, I even got answered/retweeted by huge twitters accounts, so don't give up, be active, wait a few weeks and you might have some good results
✝ Yama ✝
✝ Yama ✝2y ago
idk, for me YouTube works better. I managed to get over 110 subscribers in 2 months
RcR_Kv12y ago
@yamaisme What's your videos usual lengh and how often do you post videos on YT?
✝ Yama ✝
✝ Yama ✝2y ago
I post like once 2 weeks a long-form video and once every 2 - 3 days a short.
RcR_Kv12y ago
@yamaisme So that might explain how fast you got subs, I only post 1 highly edited and <2minutes (on average) video every month(since 4 months, before it was every 2 weeks) but I can't be more productive since I study in university
ArchaeoPlays2y ago
@ash4life. it really depends on your genre or the field that you're in. Some topics have loads of people following them on Twitter, and others have almost no one (because that genre gravitates more towards instagram or reddit or something). I'm an archaeologist doing minecraft content, so on Twitter I gain a lot of archaeology followers, but the minecraft crowd usually finds me through discord servers. It might help to see where people who are looking for your type of content hang out online and focus your attention there.