Belt tension and jerk questions

Hello, I have a vcore 3.1 400mm enclosed printing mostly ABS. My belt tension is clearly too low but I'm not sure what values I should be tensioning too. Does anyone have a well working reference for the corexy belt measurement I should shoot for? Additionally my pressure advance is clearly too low but when I run a tuning tower (or any print for that matter) my jerk will occasionally jump up to 10mm/s. Didn't see any settings for this in super slicer but I'm probably missing something. Any help on either question would be much appreciated, thanks.
1 Reply
I don't know about jerk, but as far as belt tension goes the general advice is: you want them just tight enough. Start with just tight enough they don't slap the frame when moving. Then use a ADXL to fine tune. Mikel gave some adivce in this post Personally I found that i never got to 42-43hz because my belts already seemed tight enough. And for general reference, I do about 9 turns on each bolt from it just starting to be threaded in (but that means nothing since it depends on how tight that is to begin with)