Homarr2y ago

Dash. integration

Hi there. Was trying to integrate dash. on my raspberry pi (which is accessible through http://rpi.local:8001) and dash wasn't connecting until I changed it to my rpi local IP address. Is it a case of misconfiguration or does dash/homarr integration not support that "domain" and needs to be ip address? I'm pretty new to self hosting so its likely to be something stupid on my part
39 Replies
Manicraft10012y ago
Hi 👋, do you use a reverse proxy for Dash.?
Ctaeth2y ago
ahh since you answered on the other channel the thing about ping it might be the same thing actually im not using a reverse proxy no just using my raspberry pi hostname (rpi.local) followed by ports i guess ping is having the same issue with it being unreachable, since dash. is reachable with an IP address instead of rpi.local:8001
Manicraft10012y ago
Do you use a local DNS that points to the IP of Dash.?
Ctaeth2y ago
wait i confused that, hold on lol
Ctaeth2y ago
Ctaeth2y ago
portainer is on https://rpi.local:9443 and is unreachable dash. is on and is reachable dash. doesnt work with rpi.local:8001 and portainer doesnt ping with rpi.local:9443 so I'm guessing its something to do with hostname?
Manicraft10012y ago
Can you try to use the local IP instead? You can still override using the on click url so it open the hostname when you click
Ctaeth2y ago
yeap that worked on portainer i guess i was trying to use hostname in case the IP changes for complicated reasons I can't assign a static IP on my router
Manicraft10012y ago
The ping can be a bit flaky with hostnames. The simplest solution is to use the IP instead - it's probably not your fault, that the ping didn't work with the hostname
Ctaeth2y ago
yeah dash didnt work either. but I guess I can always try to keep the raspberry pi on the same IP without using the router for that
Manicraft10012y ago
Sure, that's a possibility @ajnart can you maybe investigate, why the ping does not work with hostnames? I feel like this should be working, as direct IPs have some disadvantages over hostnames
ajnart2y ago
It never worked Apparently nextjs doesn't support it
ajnart2y ago
No we but still i think it's not supported Or is it ? I looked into it and found only very vague answers
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
my dash doesnt load
Manicraft100117mo ago
The same as before: Please give us some basic information. We can't help you with only this screenshot. - Open the console and look for errors - Show us your configuration for Dash. - Explain what you did
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
yes i am getting it services: dash: image: mauricenino/dashdot:latest restart: unless-stopped privileged: true ports: - '8765:3001' volumes: - /:/mnt/host:ro
ajnart17mo ago
I mean it's pulling data but doesn't display anything. That's strange
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
nginx problem?\
ajnart17mo ago
Most likely. Not sure how I can help but you have to enable iframes somehow
Manicraft100117mo ago
📟 Dash. | Homarr Docs
The Dash. widget will integrate your existing Dash. instance into Homarr. The graphs will be integrated using iframe.
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
how confused this is my nginx conf for homarr location / { #rewrite ^/panel/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header Origin ""; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; }
Manicraft100117mo ago
Not Homarr. You need to allow iframes for your Dash., since we embed them using Iframes
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
can you help me on how to enable them in nginx
Manicraft100117mo ago
Let Me Google That
For all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question than to google it for themselves.
Manicraft100117mo ago
This link also mentions everything you need to know 🙂
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
it tells me xframes are they same?
Manicraft100117mo ago
What do you mean? Our documentation mentions the same as the other link. You just need to add that header and it should work
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
oh yes i saw i added this location / { #rewrite ^/panel/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header Origin ""; add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN always; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade"; } stil doesnt work out need more research ig umm
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Manicraft100117mo ago
You can't downgrade your connection to HTTP, if you access Homarr via HTTPS. You should access Dash. with HTTPS too
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
okhei new tip
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
do i need to expose internal dashdot port? or add /api to nginx? anyone?
Manicraft100117mo ago
@ajnart , any idea?
ajnart17mo ago
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
sad but dash on port 3001 works fine i exposed it it shows everything correctly
Manicraft100117mo ago
Can you check for errors in the log of Homarr?
Deleted User
Deleted User17mo ago
ok sure