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qBittorrent always gives a Timeout error

I have Homarr within a container, and my qBittorrent is running outside of docker. Whenever I try to use a torrent widget it gives me this error within the logs: TimeoutError: Timeout awaiting 'request' for 5000ms...

Not able to Launch

Hello, i am building from source (i understand that it is not recomended but it is only way on my pc as everything else is running from source. After I copied the example env to the .env i did yarn db:migarte and yarn start but now i am getting this error. Thanks in advance for any help
There's a space at the end of the line of
in the .env file, remove it
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Internal server error. Cannot access after install.

Hi guy, I'm a rookie, and this is my first time installing Homarr on my proxmox homelab via portainer. I'm using Docker Compose to deploy the stack. I received the error when attempting to access the homarr website. Here's my Docker configuration, console, and log. Please assist me in resolving the error. Thank you very much. https://pastebin.com/rnk27iX7...

Integrations too slow to load

Hello, I have homarr installed via docker (docker integration deactivated, never active before) and when I open the dashboard, my integration is too slow to load, maybe 10 seconds, I have only qbittorrent integation on my home, any solution for this or tip? Thanks....
Hi, there are a few things you could do to try and improve initial load time. All the data has to laod before anything shows. Which means all the pings, icon fetching, and integration data fetch, have to run fully before displaying anything. 1. You can make use of the local icons folder, local cache of icon will lead many times faster than online fetching. 2. Disable pings, they are useful but they take more and more time the more apps you have....
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TRTrader R.4/23/2024

New Setup- No Icons appear at all?

Hello, I just finished installing and I am unable to identify where the icons are pulled from? Does Homarr supply these or do I?
Hi, you can go 2 ways: - local icon supply, for faster loads, located in the icons mounted folder. - let the icon picker pull from a selection, for ease of use....
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Double plex icon on bottom right of media server widget, normal or no?

My media widget is showing two plex icons on the bottom right. When I first set up homarr and I put plex app on the default board, it randomly disappeared after adding a category. I only have one plex app on my board right now. I believe its trying to communicate with the original plex that disappeared (it has the same logo I used and its solid red) would clearing cache fix this? I've already tried deleting widget and re adding it.
I think you would have to manually edit your config file there. Unless the app can be found again...

How to view logs (Proxmox)

Hi all, I'm having an issue with the weather widget - getting a 500 error. I'm trying to figure out how to get logs to take a closer look at the issue. I've installed Homarr as a LXC in Proxmox. I've got access to the console for Homarr, but I don't know the path of where the logs are located. Any advice to point me in the right direction?...
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how to disable Logo and favicon?

what the title says. i want to remove the logo and favicon. is there a way?
.dashboard-header-logo-image {
display: none;
.dashboard-header-logo-image {
display: none;

Issue with Plex tile and Media Server widget

I'm having a slight issue in which I can't get both the Plex tile ping and Media Server widget to work at the same time. Basically, if I set the internal IP of the plex tile to http://<ip>:32400, the ping indicator will show Unauthorized: 401 (denied). The Media Server widget will show the active streams, though the indicator is black. If I add /web/index.html#! to the internal IP, the ping indicator will show Online 200, but the Media Server widget won't show the active streams and the indicator will be red. I've also tried adding various IPs to the Plex Server's List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth setting, but that doesn't change anything...

Torrent Widget not looking "correct"

Heyo, loving Homarr so far. Got everything working pretty fast but the "Torrent Widget" seems to be different from the one shown in the Docs, check posted images. Is this a change yet to be changed in the docs or is something wonky with my install? Using version 0.15.2. Cheers...
Hi, The docs weren't updated. More customization was added to the widget and more might be to come....
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OIDC keycloak logout issue

Hello guys, thanks for the great work. I have setup homarr and oidc keycloak following the SSO section from the doc. It works well, I can log in with keycloak realm accounts, with or without admin right. But when I log out from homarr, it doesn't logout the session from keycloak. Maybe we can add an AUTH_OIDC_REDIRECT_LOGOUT env var for this case?...

Qbittorrent issue

Added QBittorrent to my Homarr, and while the IP and port are correct for the web interface, I always get "Unauthorized" message - but if I type in the same details manually into my browser, I get the web interface prompting for username/password - this occurs if I try with the QB integration or not. What am I missing ? Thanks
Disable CSRF on Qbit.
AIEAlea Iacta Est4/15/2024

Some applications are unable to get pinged - I am using a local domain in HTTPS

Title says most of it, i have a series of applications that Homarr is unable to ping, includes applications that doesnt require auth, like openspeedtest. My setup looks like this: local.mydomain.yes, through NPM i have each app its sub domain. In Homarr, some apps are pinged correctly, some arent....
i neglected the https:// in the domain given to homarr thinking it would automatically go https, instead, by default it was http

api authorization

Hi there, I am trying to use the API endpoint to Homarr. My Homarr is managed by Portainer, running in a Proxmox LXC. ...

Problems with Active Directory

Hello I have been trying all day to connect my Homarr installation to my Active Directory. I have tried many things, but I always get the message that the user cannot be found in LDAP. Please find attached my config (Neutralized)...

Sonarr Intergration in Calendar

I've been racking my brain trying to figure this out but I am unable to find a way to add the Sonarr integration to my Calendar. When I edit the Calendar Widget, all that shows up what I provided for screenshot. Please tell me its something small im overlooking. Thank you...
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Apps jumping around in mobile (small) view

Not sure if anyone is able ot help me understand why my apps do this, but for whatever reason the order will not work when saved. It's not a 'saving' problem because if I move around or re-order other things, those changes are respected, but if I want to have just 1 or 2 items on that row above 'Private services', they always just jump below.

problem with the design

Hello guys, how can i fix that ?
Hi, this is a known bug. Please report it on GitHub. We do not accept any bug reports in this Discord.

qbittorrent app won't open web UI

I've been adding apps all morning in setting up my new install. After adding the tile for qBittorrent, then testing it, I receive an
result. I can open the web UI from my browser bookmark just fine. The widget I added shows the torrents just fine. I've tried with and without adding the user/pw combo. I expected it to open the login page as if I had clicked the bookmark and was not logged in.
That would be CSRF, a cross site protection service enabled by default. It may be blocking linking from websites. Hence why a normal bookmark in browsers work

message: `Unexpected token 'I', "Internal S"... is not valid JSON`

Fresh install, twice. Version 0.15.2. TrueNAS Scale, using the TrueCharts Version: 10.8.1. Log: https://pastebin.com/8Bfr25uE Any help would be greatly appreciated....