I just started my YouTube journey, what next?

I just started and I'm really happy about it, something to look forward to. But I'm not sure on content ideas. (my go to game right now is dying light) I made a thumbnail for a vid a few days ago and wanted to know if it was good.
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2 Replies
probablyraging•2y ago
It's pretty decent. I would suggest that instead of using the image of your storage, maybe use some of the actual weapon images instead? You could add a white glow to them to make them pop a little more too. Also just for future reference, we use #video-graphic-review channel for graphic reviews 😉 As for the what kind of content to make. I guess that depends on what you enjoy. Playthroughs are always fun. Could do some cut down version of playthroughs where you playthrough an entire game and cut it down into a 20 minute video or something
haikalch92•2y ago
Hi ! I am a graphic designer and I design thumbnails on a daily basis ! The thing with thumbnails is that they must be attractive to make the viewer click on them. Using BOLD fonts and contrasting colors helps a lot! For gamers, I usually use a scene from the game and a character which is more than enough, but if you want to take it to another level you can use your picture and morph it with some of the elements of the main character of the game ! If you have more questions, feel free to dm me and I'll gladly help !