kNWErrorDomainPOSIX error 100 - Protocol error

I noticed this error on my website. The socket keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. Not sure what to do here. Here's the versions from my package.json: "@Novu/node": "0.8.0", "@Novu/notification-center": "0.8.0",
3 Replies
bigheartedkb2y ago
Not sure when the error started popping up, but when I initially setup Novu a couple months ago everything was fine.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi @bigheartedkb I will recommend you to update to our latest version. We fixed socket related issue recently
Paweł T.
Paweł T.2y ago
@bigheartedkb In the release 0.10.0 we've introduced some socket changes, so the notification-center v.0.8.0 won't be able to talk with the WS service. Please do what @Pawan Jain suggested.