Yo whats up guys, can one of you please answer a quick question I have regarding Facebook Ads?

Do I need Facebook Pixel to run conversion Ads?
4 Replies
Quick Google
While it is not strictly necessary to have Facebook Pixel installed in order to run conversion ads on Facebook, it is recommended as it allows you to track conversions and gather data on how well your ads are performing. This data can be used to improve the targeting and delivery of your ads, which can help to increase their effectiveness and lower your cost per conversion.
jd242y ago
thank you bro
It is absolutely a good idea to do so in order to find analytical insights for segmenting your target audience and creating targeted ad strategies for each demographic. Example; if ages 18-25 convert better on Ad A then Ad B, but 25+ convert better on Ad B, you would then focus the relevant ad style and ad copy to each of those respective target audiences.
jd242y ago
Thank you @NoxIlluminatum The only problem is that my current client does not have direct access to their website so we must find a way to link Pixel to it. Im not sure if this will be worth my while