failed to init Unable to read tmc uart

Hi all... i'm sure there is a simple solution that is staring me in the face, but i'm blind right now. My original board was Octopus 446, because of an issue, i ordered and got an Octopus V1.1 board to put in it's place. I'm past my original issue that I had on my 446 board, but now it's having trouble with the motors. I've followed this: z probe and all end stops work just fine. I get the following error on all the stepper motors: stepper_x failed to init: Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register IFCNT First off, yes, i removed all the jumpers except the 1 on all the drivers. That was the very first thing I did before I started hooking it up. Since it's with all of the drivers, there is something else i've missed and not sure what it is.
Rat Rig - V-Core - Electronics
The V-Core 3 is a premium DIY kit for a CoreXY 3D Printer with no compromises.
4 Replies
jason9742y ago
i guess if you changed the board you need to change it also in the printer.cfg board declaration type, as the pinout might be different unless you've already done that
noble-gold2y ago
yea, already did that.
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jason9742y ago
does the MOTOR side have power ? is a stepper not shorted ? the drivers are powered by the motor power connector
noble-gold2y ago
what is the best way to confirm that? I'm not an electrical expert by any means. I just found a wiring difference between the Pro 446 and V1.1 going to shutdown and fix that