More Ping Module Questions

I'm able to get green 200 statuses back for all my apps, if I navigate to Homarr via http://ipaddress:port, however if I navigate there from the hostname then everything except Plex (I found the URL extension thread below) returns red 403s. I'm using this pattern:
Internal address

External address
Internal address

External address
I've tried making the internal services https but still get no joy. All of the services are running via reverse proxy through NPM. I've attached a few screenshots for clarity.
16 Replies
Manicraft100117mo ago
Hi, we are aware that Homarr has some problems with DNS. However, I never saw that they did work when using the local IP of homarr and not if the domain was used.
_scotty_g_17mo ago
It works when I navigate to the Homarr interface via IP. The internal address for the services is all set to use IP, except for some that are accessible outside me home network, those work fine regardless of how I access Homarr.
Manicraft100117mo ago
The pings should be server-side, so there should be no difference on how you access Homarr. @ajnart , can you investigate this?
_scotty_g_17mo ago
Here's the side-by-side view.
Manicraft100117mo ago
Got it. Sadly, I'm currently very busy and do not have to thoroughly investigate this. Please wait until ajnart will assist you
_scotty_g_17mo ago
No worries at all, and thanks for all your help!
ajnart17mo ago
Hello @_scottyg , honestly not sure why this happens Can you try to set the internal url the same thing as the external one and see if that fixes something I'm very curious because pings should work the same either way, because the browser is doing the requests
_scotty_g_17mo ago
When I set the internal url to the status shows Offline 500, if I use the IP address and port I get Offline 403. So something is definitely different there, but can't quite figure out what. The fact that Plex works with https://ip:port/web/index.html but shows Offline 500 when using pretty dns is extra perplexing.
ajnart17mo ago
403 means Forbidden, are you using some kind of authentification / protection to protect accessing your services ? The thing I don't understand is how going to the domain changes what kind of ping is done inside of homarr , it should be the same no matter what I don't have the code right now but I'm pretty sure we don't use the external url to validate a ping, it would be very stupid. The only explaination I can think off is that you are passing in cookies that allow you to make that request when in local and that is not the case remotely Can you try to open homarr in a private browser session and tell me if it still works ? Or from another device on your localhost
_scotty_g_17mo ago
No authentication. I'm wondering if this has something to do with nginx-proxy-manager. Incognito session behaves the same. I've checked my host settings for nginx-proxy-manager for both plex and overseerr and they are identical aside from the port and hostname so I thought that kinda removed NPM from the equation. Anyway, I don't want to take more of your time, I'll keep tinkering and if I figure it out I'll reply here. Thanks for your help and for creating/supporting this app 🙂
Manicraft100117mo ago
Yes, most likely has
Manicraft100117mo ago
Add Nginx Proxy issue to docs by Asion001 · Pull Request #26 · ajna...
Category Documentation Overview Add description and resolving of problem with Nginx Proxy Manager. Issue Number Related issue: #572
_scotty_g_17mo ago
This fixed it, thanks!
Manicraft100117mo ago
Cool to hear. Hope you enjoy Homarr. Let me know if you have questions
_scotty_g_17mo ago
Really loving it now that I've got these last few things sorted out. I really appreciate your time helping me!
Manicraft100117mo ago
Thank you 😊