Homarrโ€ข17mo ago

Widgets disappear when deleting a category

I was working to customize my screen, and went to delete a category, and all of my modules and widgets disappeared with it. I made sure the category was empty when I deleted it, but everything disappeared. When I search for a module it will show as a result, but it's not able to be added to the screen. I tried adding things back, but the time, calendar, and weather widgets aren't able to be added. Is there a way to get them back?
7 Replies
Manicraft1001โ€ข17mo ago
Hi, sorry. This was a known bug with 0.11.0 and should have been fixed with 0.11.1 We released 0.11.1 just a few hours later, but sadly, a few configs were bricked this way The main issue is, that the wrong elements were deleted in your config. Your data should still be mostly there.
sinnohmanโ€ข17mo ago
I saw that in the announcements, but I just installed homarr today for the first time today.
Manicraft1001โ€ข17mo ago
Hmm... that is very weird Can you maybe PM me your config, with all URLs censored and all passwords, usernames and tokens removed? Please make sure to remove them ๐Ÿ™‚ I will then try to reproduce your issue
sinnohmanโ€ข17mo ago
just wanted to confirm I am on 0.11.1
sinnohmanโ€ข17mo ago
Gotcha, I'll send it over
Manicraft1001โ€ข17mo ago
Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry for the trouble I'll see what I can do
Manicraft1001โ€ข17mo ago
Default config fix is done: https://github.com/ajnart/homarr/pull/603
๐Ÿ”ง Fix wrapper position in default config by manuel-rw ยท Pull Reques...
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