Super Pinda Problems

my super pinda is not working and says that the probe failed to retract. bltouch is commented out as thats what i had before the pinda upgrade. x and y axis home fine but when it does z it moves the bed down stops and says probe failed to retract. HOMING Pick your probe and endstops ############################################################################################################# BL Touch #[include RatOS/z-probe/bltouch.cfg] Inductive/Capacitive probe [include RatOS/z-probe/probe.cfg] Euclid probe (please read the RatOS documentation for instructions) #[include RatOS/z-probe/euclid.cfg] Klicky probe (please read the RatOS documentation for instructions) #[include RatOS/z-probe/klicky/klicky.cfg] #[include RatOS/z-probe/klicky/unklicky.cfg] BLTouch configuration #[bltouch] #z_offset: 0.0 # Adjust this to fit your setup Inductive probe configuration [probe] z_offset: 1.0 # Adjust this to fit your setup pin: ^probe_pin # For NPN NC probes such as the Super Pinda / Vinda / SupCR / Decoprobe probes. #pin: ^!probe_pin # NPN NO (refer to the specs on your probe) #pin: probe_pin # PNP NO (refer to the specs on your probe) #pin: !probe_pin # PNP NC (refer to the specs on your probe)
14 Replies
like-gold17mo ago
Is the small led active? Once you put a metal (flexplate, spatula...) underneath is it turned off?
fascinating-indigo17mo ago
no led
like-gold17mo ago
Hm, so no 5 V. Please check if one of the terminals (in the plug) did get loose. That can happen (should be the brown one, but check all of them) Probably best to turn off the printer while doing that
fascinating-indigo17mo ago
ok gonna check
like-gold17mo ago
just for reference (J43). Brown should be 5 V, black signal (PB7) and blue gnd
No description
fascinating-indigo17mo ago
led is on now i had to switch the brown and black
like-gold17mo ago
OK, now go to ratos.local and click on the last tab (machine) On the lower right there's that 'window'
like-gold17mo ago
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fascinating-indigo17mo ago
like-gold17mo ago
fascinating-indigo17mo ago
yea the wiring was wrong in the manual nvm i was wrong not the manual
like-gold17mo ago
You can test it also this way (I'll let it here for other guys). Click on the circle (arrows). It should look like that. Put a flexplate/spatula... underneath the probe (led will go off), while doing that click again on the circle. It should display triggered (probe + Endstop z) Great, now have fun. You'll like the SuperPinda
fascinating-indigo17mo ago
Thanks for the help i really appreciate it been working on this for hours now just installed a mosquito and pinda now i can go to sleep lol
like-gold17mo ago
sure, np. good night