length of videos

I’ve been trying to experiment with different types of video length for someone getting back into the groove of things. What would be a good mid way point Ive done 3 minutes up to almost 20 in certain videos
7 Replies
@sccjono17mo ago
That's going to be really difficult to test. I think as long as they need to be. A longer video might do better or worse depending on its content rather than length. I will watch a video of any length as long as I'm interested. Others get bored really quickly. I wouldn't focus on it.
probablyraging17mo ago
I agree with the above. You said you've made videos 3-20 minutes long. Which ones performed best? That would be a good indicator to go off.
ArchaeoPlays17mo ago
yea, it entirely depends on what your videos are about - what style of content are you trying to make? Some genres work far better at 3 minutes than at 10, other genres need 15 minutes instead.
Poronix17mo ago
Depending on the popularity of the game it was the shorter videos
probablyraging17mo ago
Might be worth keeping around the same length then. But at the end of the day, make the content you enjoy making
RcR_Kv117mo ago
@poronix From my experience, it's better to make videos of at least 3 minutes minimum and not below because otherwise those who subscribe will not have enough watchtime for the bot and it will remove them from you
Vexx17mo ago
I second checking the stats of your most popular videos, and use that to determine your best run time. A lot of people have short attention spans on YT, so it could be anywhere between 5-20 min.