strange pressure advance behaviour

Hello, I was running a pressure advance tower, but the pa did not seem to improve or change the bulsging edges. In the first picture, the pa was at 0.06 according to the console. In the second picture you can see the seem. I assume there is an other paramter I should be looking at?
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23 Replies
8Complexβ€’17mo ago
It looks like you aren't running the TUNING_TOWER command on the print -- this varies the PA along the height of the print and allows you to choose the best PA for your setup/material --
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
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fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
Thats what I thought, but according to the console it was running. But I got the tip, to calibrate the extruder first (thought, the RatOS presettings were reliable). So I will try that and post the results here πŸ™‚
blacksmithforlifeβ€’17mo ago
did you disable the PA setting in the start gcode?
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
No. But based on your answer I should, right? But I find it strange, that the console can't override the G-code. Is this supposed to be?
wee-brownβ€’17mo ago
as said in German Channel, the Tunning tower will override the Filament GCode one if you start it after the Print has started, the setting of PA via the Filament custom GCode is just one line inside the GCode that you can override via the Console at any given point
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
Ok, thx. As mentioned above, I will do the extruder calibration now and then try it again. I will update this thread once I've done so πŸ™‚
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
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fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
So the extruder was indeed slighlty off, my rotations distance is 7,84 and not 8 However, as shown in the picture above, a new problem arose πŸ˜„ I set the layer height to 0.4 (as recommended by klipper) and now I got this see through print. I am sure, this is not supposed to be
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
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fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
I just realized, that it might just be an extreme case of ringing
wee-brownβ€’17mo ago
LH 0.4 with a 0.4 LW does not work, the layers have no squish then
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
Thx, but I have a 0.6 Tungsten Carbide nozzle. E: Or did I misinterpret your post? Because on a second thought LH might stand for lineheight and LW for line width. I have to think about that for a second or two πŸ˜„ I have to check tomorrow, but I think the linewidth in superslicer ist set to 0.7 something. So it is the 70% recommended by Klipper for this test. But I think it might be extreme ringing in combination with the high layer height. I will tighten the belts more and redo the test. You were right, the line width was not automatically updated and remaind at 0.4
wee-brownβ€’17mo ago
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
My followup question πŸ˜„ : Should I now change the line width or go with a lower line height for the PA test? I guess for the 0.6 nozzle it makes sense to go with a minimum of 0.6?
wee-brownβ€’17mo ago
What ever you prefer, I just noticed that you should have at least doubled the line width in regards to layer height
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
Thanks πŸ™‚
wee-brownβ€’17mo ago
And LW works best in +-20% range of Nozzle size
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
No I see what confused me: I thought that "Wall thickness" in superslicer was equal to line width
fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
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fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
Just to be sure:
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fascinating-indigoβ€’17mo ago
These are the values you are referring to right?
wee-brownβ€’17mo ago
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