Adding Klicky

Can I just add the Klicky macro to the printer config like I have done on a Voron?
8 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
Not entirely, but it's natively supported in V2.0 alpha. Beta will be out in the next couple of days
yelping-magenta2y ago
So better I wait?
miklschmidt2y ago
You can try and make it work yourself. I don't know how comfortable you are with modifying klipper macros and jinja. If you want something that just needs a few coordinates finetuned, i'd wait. Or you can just install the current alpha5 and reinstall once beta or release drops.
yelping-magenta17mo ago
I can wait a couple day....sounds like the easiest Thanks Any ETA when the beta will be out? @miklschmidt
miklschmidt17mo ago
It's out, but there's a pretty huge issue with moonraker/klipperscreen (if you just don't update klipperscreen it's good). I'm debugging with arksine.
yelping-magenta17mo ago
Ok thx. Can I get this with an update or I have to get it from Githb?
miklschmidt17mo ago
Requires a reflash
yelping-magenta17mo ago
K thx