Superslicer general config help...

Need some help, just jumped from Cura to SuperSlicer for V-Minion as it looks like best option by many users... I've gone through all set up using as a base RatRig's standards and modifying some to higher speed where needed, start to print and speed is way off what I have set in slicer and accelerations change at its own. Could somebody give a look at what I might have wrong? Thanks, (edited)
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7 Replies
Bameron17mo ago
do you have maximum speeds and minimum layer times set correctly?
flat-fuchsia17mo ago
Dont' know as I'm new to SuperSlicer and it's quite different to Cura and I'm not too sure i'm doing it right...could you show me a pic of how and where to check for these values? Thanks
Helge Keck
Helge Keck17mo ago
press CTRFL+F in superslicer to open the search function, then eanter layer time goal and click on the result, it will bring you directly to the place inside the program
flat-fuchsia17mo ago
Thanks, I had 10mm/s minimum print speed, is the rest ok?
flat-fuchsia17mo ago
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Helge Keck
Helge Keck17mo ago
layer time goal it is set to 5 seconds, means evr3ey layer is minimum 5 seconds long for high speed, set it to zero
flat-fuchsia17mo ago
Ok, thanks a lot. I find SS has lots of features I don't set in Cura which I know quite better, but want to give it a go as it seems to be more popular among this community.