Is it possible to add entries to the audit log for command usage?

Essentially, I am switching my commands to be mostly ephemeral, however, with commands that change settings I want there to be a log of who is using those commands incase admins need to check. Is it possible to add an entry to the audit log for when a user uses a specific commands?
5 Replies
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duck17mo ago
nope you could put info in the reason option where applicable
Stqlth17mo ago
So are you saying you can add an entry, it just wont be specific to a command, and I can simply write which commands they are using in reason?
duck17mo ago
you cannot explicitly just add an entry other than by taking an action that would create an entry many of these actions accept a reason option for which you can put whatever you want
Stqlth17mo ago
Gotcha, thanks if anyone is interested I made an api feature request for something like this: