shadowed ban on TikTok

Since June of 2022 I haven’t been able to log into my account. Just a couple weeks a go, like the 20th of January I was able to log in. From then on I have been posting 3-5 times a day consistently at the same time each day. I have 250k followers and before this long break I averaged 50k views per video, now I’m barely getting one thousand views, and all my views are coming from following. How long is this going to last and what should I do? Any help/advice will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
2 Replies
probablyraging17mo ago
Easy way to see if you're shadowbanned on TikTok. Create an alternate account, search for your main account by username, if you can see your account then you're not shadowbanned. I also answered this exact same question from you regarding your views a while ago
Smoc161217mo ago
due to having the long break its like youtube you disappear in the algorithm and you have to rebuild it all back up again to get the videos noticed unfortuanly they will come back but you just need to work for them all again