Getting objects from client cache after sharding

So I am about to shard my bot... its not yet public but I want to make it shard compatible from the beginning. My question is that... is getting stuff like guild object or user object from the cache or anything from the client cache in general if its different after sharding
8 Replies
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Unknown User17mo ago
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mris17mo ago
discord.js and node
mris17mo ago
so is this internal ?
mris17mo ago
which one is more efficient tbh ok uh so is it fine if i make it traditional even though its on one host ( server ) alright ty... im new to sharding so like can u show me an example of getting the information i need from other shards through IPC
d.js docs
d.js docs17mo ago
guide Sharding: Sending messages across shards read more
mris17mo ago
damn... complex
mris17mo ago
so if i do this... i dont have to do anything else ?
mris16mo ago
and my bot is perfectly sharded ? i'll do that thanks ok a