help with growth

I just started an instagram and barely get views can I have some tips and if anything is wrong wit the way I have my stuff set up tell me so I can fix it please
12 Replies
RcR_Kv1•16mo ago
@nug0092 I can't even find you on Insta, it's not a good sign, either you made a mistake when you wrote your nickname here or you're just not known enough for the insta algo to consider that you exist...😂 In short, to have subscribers on Insta, you need a lot of patience, in my case I do virtual photography, mainly cars, and I acquired 48 subscribers in 15 months, my most liked post is at 69 likes and usually I have between 5 and 10 likes per post, once a week. With each post I try to put at least 10 htags, htags with +1000000 uses and others with only a few hundred thousand A lot of people will periodically subscribe to your account just for you to return the favour, you can easily spot these ones since they unsubscribe after a week😂 and they don't like any of your posts
Nug•16mo ago
😂 can i send u the profile link? in dms
RcR_Kv1•16mo ago
Nug•16mo ago
sent it
RcR_Kv1•16mo ago
@nug0092 So, I saw your page and: try to post more pics than videos, instagram isn't tiktok or twitter, videos doesn't work that much from my experience, also, try to reduce your post numbers, 2 a week is already a lot, that's what do people I know on Insta, finally, your posts are not bad, just be patient because since your followers number is low the algorythm won't push your content at the top of the recommandation directly
Nug•16mo ago
so i should post more normal posts than videos? but shouldnt i be pushing out alot of content daily like 4 posts a day ?
RcR_Kv1•16mo ago
@nug0092 Yes you should post more car pictures than videos, on the content release rate, it depand also if you can keep that rate, and that your subs will maybe need a day or two to see your post and like it and if you release 4 posts a day then only 1 out of the 4 posts might be liked so that's why I tell you to reduce your content release rate(toward 1 post a day if you want)
Nug•16mo ago
ohhhh makes sense do i cancel the scheduled videos i have set up for today i have one for 12pm france time do i post another post today???
RcR_Kv1•16mo ago
You can report it to tomorrow, you can post a pic today or tomorrow if you want
Nug•16mo ago
okay so ill change it to 8pm tommorow and ill post a picture today at 12 thank you bro ill keep u updated whats ur instagram?
RcR_Kv1•16mo ago
I send it to you in dm
Nug•16mo ago
some really nice person just went thru and liked basically everything and commented