So I did my first ever 3D print

It's been pointed out that the print isn't quite good. While I'm pleased with it (because I had no expectations), I want to do better. For reference, I just printed the default cube in superslicer with no setting changes. I'm using formfutura reform rPLA
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34 Replies
elco17mo ago
- do you have fuzzy skin enabled? - what's the temperature/cooling/print speed/minimum layer time?
Mitsuma17mo ago
Ellis’ Print Tuning Guide
Ellis’ Print Tuning Guide
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
No to fuzzy skin. Extruder first and other layers is 260 Bed first and other 105 Fan at default speed is checked and default fan speed set to 12%
elco17mo ago
PLA at 260?
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
I didn't know it needed changed, mate. I should have read the instructions on filament. I'm just realising that.
elco17mo ago
Print temp: ± 200 - 215° C, Heat bed: ± 50 - 60° C lol
Mitsuma17mo ago
105 bed for pla? kekw are melting the PLA with the bed
elco17mo ago
you probably want to go on the high side of that for v-core speeds more speed needs higher temp with more cooling
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
so 215 and 60 I'll bash out another print and while it's printing I'll read that guide @mitsuma posted (thank you)
elco17mo ago
which filament profile did you select? asa or abs?
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
I didn't select anything. I was excited about my first print. Ok, we all know where I went wrong here 🙂
elco17mo ago
I'm just asking to make you aware that superslicer has separate tabs for print settings, filament settings and printer settings
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
No, I know. I was just making fun of myself for being over eager.
elco17mo ago
but I think your next print will look good 😄
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
Does changing the filament type automatically change temp?
elco17mo ago
the filament profiles include temperature settings
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
@elcoj I did use an ASA profile. Hopefully this next print will be much better. Thank you
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
Guessing the noise from the fan isn't meant to happen? It's 32% through and it's made this noise the whole time. Didn't have this on the first print.
elco17mo ago
That's very noisy for 32% You are printing very slowly. High minimum layer time?
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
it says 100%
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elco17mo ago
Probably because it hits the minimum layer time. Check the slicer settings That's a bit much
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
That was the default for PLA
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elco17mo ago
Change the settings level to expert With a 4028, you shouldn't use 100% at normal speeds You'll want to decrease the short layer time, 4s or something. You'll need to unhide the advanced settings.
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
That's the new print. bigger cube and it decided it was 100% done when it completed the z-top.
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elco17mo ago
getting better I think it is probably overcooled, so change the cooling settings and try again I also prefer to use 0.5 line width to have a bit better layer adhesion did you sink it into the bed by the way in the slicer? the bottom is missing
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
I see exactly what you mean about my first print. It is bad 🙂
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afraid-scarlet17mo ago
@mitsuma I'm trying to follow the tuning guide you sent me and am currently doing the extruder calibration. There's no rotation_distance in printer.cfg so I'm not sure how to do the calculation required. Incidentally, it pushed out 100mm as expected.
Mitsuma17mo ago
roation distance is in the config, its just in the nested config you would need to add an override where you just repeat the config part in the printer.cfg
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
Right, I see it now in config/extruder/lgx-lite.cfg
Mitsuma17mo ago
dont edit files in the config folder
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
Nope, not editing it. I remember you told me this a couple of days ago 🙂 I just opened it to check the value. I really don't want to bore people with my very basic questions. I'm sure I'll have a lot of them while I get to grips with learning. Is there a newbies guide to 3d printing specifically for klipper that you would suggest?
elco17mo ago
I would leave rotation_distance a the default and just adjust extrusion multiplier for each filament, you need to do that anyway
afraid-scarlet17mo ago
My bed leveling test didn't go great. I've attempted calibrations for flow and had no issues following iy and adjusting the multiplier. However, I'm not grasping something fundamental about leveling the bed. Everything I try ends up with really poor results.
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elco17mo ago
I prefer just starting a big print and use live adjust until it looks right, then just hit save