Wtf does this syntax mean (CVI/opencv python)?

cv.warpPerspective(src, M, dsize[, dst[, flags[, borderMode[, borderValue]]]] ) ->dst Does anyone know what are these random [ in between the parameter names? Source:
26 Replies
the magic guy
the magic guy17mo ago
Like… deeply nested arrays? Lol Judging by all the ]]] at the end
Eakam17mo ago
Yea, I assumed so. Sorry should have added this here too. This is completely the opposite of that:
Eakam17mo ago
Like it expects normal non nested params. And then there is that nonsense at the bottom????? And this code works: transformed_image = cv.warpPerspective(img, matrix, (width, height)) So I have no idea what to think
CaramelCorn17mo ago
I think it's bc dsize contains all of those sub variables
the magic guy
the magic guy17mo ago
Idk if that matches up with the param signature….
CaramelCorn17mo ago
dsize is a Size type that has numerous nested parameters maybe? and flags is the first layer, which holds a borderMode flag, which then holds a border Value??? weird structure but that's my best guess hahaha
Eakam17mo ago
Yea, it is kind of a weird structure
Eakam17mo ago
Found another one in the meantime:
Eakam17mo ago
And this is how it also works: resized_image = cv.resize(img, (scaled_width, scaled_height), cv.INTER_AREA) I am so lost on this syntax Maybe I will find out some day by learning python
CaramelCorn17mo ago
maybe it's just fucked up syntax for default values?? lmfao
the magic guy
the magic guy17mo ago
sigma17mo ago
It means that the parameters are optional
CaramelCorn17mo ago
ayyy I guess right
sigma17mo ago
In the picture, I think the function signature at the top is C++ syntax, the one in the bottom being Python syntax The reason why it works it's because the last argument, (width, height) is a tuple, and because the method expects src, M, and dsize, then we know that the third argument is the value for dsize, which I guess is defined as a tuple
Eakam17mo ago
Yea, though I am still confused by why they wrote it with the [ They could have just said cv.warpPerspective(src, M, dsize, flags, borderMode, borderValue)
CaramelCorn17mo ago
fr fr, just odd documentation style ig
Eakam17mo ago
I guess this is not an odd documentation style but actually means something
CaramelCorn17mo ago
ah see, it makes sense like that it was the nesting syntax that was weird yk ohhhhh maybe the nesting meant that they had a different version for each variation of default variables? func(a) func(a,b) func(a,b,c) etc. so they nest the syntax to indicate that ig ?? lmfao idk
Eakam17mo ago
Wait, this one still doesn't make sense to me. Why is the comma after the [ Looks like the second argument is optional
CaramelCorn17mo ago
ah to imply that a second argument is optional
Eakam17mo ago
Maybe it signifies that in some weird way
CaramelCorn17mo ago
Eakam17mo ago
Ahhhh It all makes sense now So in the previous ones, the arguments were optional
CaramelCorn17mo ago
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