Back/forward browser buttons download my website instead of going there

This problem is so fucking weird, I don't even know where to begin. It happens both on local and on prod. It happens on all browsers. I'm using Next 13 app dir, maybe it's a bug? Does anyone have any clue or has experience this before? It happens on the homepage only. Copy this link and paste it in your URL bar, press enter, press back, then forward. Your browser will download a file called "en". I have 1 redirect in my Next config for this route, although it also happens on /de, /es, etc
redirects: () => [
source: '/',
destination: '/en',
permanent: true,
redirects: () => [
source: '/',
destination: '/en',
permanent: true,
2 Replies
Matvey16mo ago
The server responds with wrong Content-Type Header
Meexa16mo ago
That’s so strange though. Why only on back/forward? How do you fix that on vercel?