Full width mobile version
For this page: https://chrisbarin.com/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=1 I'm trying to make "what's included" full width, the same as the box above. I'm editing a plugin with lots of inline CSS so it's far from optimal.
I am not familiar with flex-basis, shrink, grow. I've tried various things but I'm not sure what I need here.
Premium Design Courses by Chris Barin
Membership Checkout - Premium Design Courses by Chris Barin
16 Replies
not sure what your end result should look like, but you can change the flex-direction of
to flex-direction: column
and remove the align-items: flex-end
sorry! mobile version
my bad
I haven't had my coffee yet
it's a lot of wasted space
ohw, you mean no padding?
only have the white bg. don't show the blue one
so the text has more room
hm, there is a lot going on. first try to remove all the flex grow, shrink, basis and width properties from those 2 sections. flex:1 should be enough
if this is what you are trying to achieve, then just change the padding in .site-content to 0px instead of 15px 15px
for the mobile media query
thank you!
good catch, i missed that one
wordpress code is so painful to sort through, but i support a bunch of ecommerce sites there, so i am really used to the janky spaghetti 😄
the best reason to learn how to build your own theme
done, all good
thanks guys
I really appreciate it
some of my students are looking for coders to team up with so they can offer a complete package to their clients
what's the best way to help people meet up?
this not really belongs here. you can post in self-promotion
I'll close this thread