Adding options of select menu in if statements using select menu builder before it is sent

I have a question about updating components. I have it so in the function it previously does up to this:
let menu = new ActionRowBuilder()
new StringSelectMenuBuilder()
.setPlaceholder('Select one:')
let menu = new ActionRowBuilder()
new StringSelectMenuBuilder()
.setPlaceholder('Select one:')
and then later I try this within an if statement:
.addOptions({ label: 'Create', value: 'newField', description: 'Create a new field in the message.' }));
.addOptions({ label: 'Create', value: 'newField', description: 'Create a new field in the message.' }));
and I have it do it once more after another if statement. In some cases, it'll pass through both statements. How can I solve this so it stays within the same select menu?
7 Replies
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Unknown User16mo ago
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leguchi16mo ago
14.7.1, v18.1.0 How can I make it so I use part of the ActionRowBuilder() to create the select menu then later add more options to it? << is the simplified version of the question 🙂
ShompiFlen16mo ago
Hm... if you are constructing the select menu before sending it, then instead of creating the entire action row, just create the select menu first const selectMenu = new StringSelectMenuBuilder() then in your if statements, add the new options like this selectMenu.addOptions(theoption) finally at the end add the select menu to the action row const row = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(selectMenu)catOwo
leguchi16mo ago
Okay I will try this out, thank you!
ShompiFlen16mo ago
sure, please tell if you have any issues
leguchi16mo ago
Amazing, it works, thank you very much!
ShompiFlen16mo ago