Anyone used the spotify api? Do removed tracks still appear?

Initially feels like a stupid question, but do "removed" tracks still appear in api queries? Thought perhaps they had a more extensive list of songs, with a smaller number marked as active For example you still tend to be able to google and browse the tracks that are no longer playable, they just don't appear in your app searches
2 Replies
WillsterJohnson16mo ago
The reason google will show non-existent content is because of the way google indexes content. It would take an incredible amount of computing power to recheck and verify every single result it pulls up, so instead it uses "crawlers". Basically, google discovered a deleted song before it was deleted, and hasn't performed another check on that page since the content was removed. I don't know if the Spotify API will or won't show removed tracks, but my guess is that if it won't show in the app, it won't show in the API.
JWode16mo ago
Yeah I was just hoping it was also an indication that maybe the tracks still existed given that the data/pages are still available when the links are followed Actually I've just remembered that there's another thing that makes it look possible: tracks in your playlist appear grey when removed by spotify, but don't appear in searches. I guess the only real way I'll find out is if I find a removed one and search for it :/